Consciousness and Cosmology with Brian Swimme Ph.D. (listen)

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(Listen Below)
In just 100 years our understanding of the universe has changed dramatically. At the turn of the 20th century scientists believed the Milky Way galaxy comprised the entire universe. We now know that it is just one galaxy among trillions. In the last century we also learned that the universe is not timeless and static, as had long been believed, but is an evolving and developing process. In this profound new understanding, humans can see themselves as the product of a nearly 14 billion year process which has now become conscious of itself.

Cosmologist Brian Swimme Ph.D. has devoted his career to understanding and internalizing this new picture of the universe and what it means to human life. He has gradually arrived at the view that consciousness may exist in some form at every level of existence. He also suspects that the universe may have in some way required conscious life to evolve.

In my conversation with Brian (listen below) we discuss our unique cosmological moment, the evolution of consciousness, and what it means to experience on behalf of the universe.

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